BOOST Entrepreneurship at your HEI


Nurture and grow a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem in your Institution!

These virtual workshops give academic and professional support staff the tools to stimulate and run a supportive and vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem at their institutions.

  • Follow the practical steps developed by the University of Edinburgh, the number 1 university in the UK for student startup creation
  • Boost your student’s entrepreneurial mindset and satisfaction and your institutional ranking
  • Learn the tools needed to run your own programme to support entrepreneurship
  • Discover how entrepreneurship can boost your institutions research impact
  •  Learn how to champion an innovative ecosystem and how to become the next ‘unicorn university’

The learning will be over a two workshop series. If possible, please register to attend both workshops.

Edinburgh Innovations Limited is the University of Edinburgh’s commercialisation service. Edinburgh Innovations is a wholly owned subsidiary company of the University of Edinburgh. Your data will be held securely and will not be passed on to any third parties. Consent can be withdrawn at any time and all marketing communications will include an unsubscribe link. Please view our privacy notice to understand how we use and protect the information that you provide to us.

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