Sustainable Business Ideas Competition: Feb - Apr 2023

  • Friday, 07/04/2023
  • 17:15 - 17:15

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Win £1,000 just for telling us about your climate and sustainability centric start-up idea.

We have teamed up with the Edinburgh Earth Initiative to bring you a brand-new competition focusing on your solutions to the climate crisis and achieving a just transition.

We are looking for projects that will benefit from this level of support, and are at the 'idea' stage of development, although this doesn't necessarily disqualify businesses that have already formed. In order to accept the funds, you will need to agree that you will spend the money working on your business idea, and that you will continue working with Edinburgh Innovations to further develop the idea. 

Choose one of four categories for your idea:

1. Sustainable Land and Seas

We must help to feed the world’s population and ensure clean water and air for all, whilst preserving and restoring diverse and healthy ecosystems.

We are looking for any ideas that contribute to creating positive sustainable change for our land and seas.

2. Future of Energy

We must transition to an affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy supply for everyone on the planet.

We are looking for any ideas that could help solve any of the world’s energy challenges and drive the movement to renewable and sustainable energy.

3. Health in a Warming World

We must respond to the challenges to our health and wellbeing, which are being exacerbated in the face of unprecedented climate change.

We are looking for your ideas that could help address future wellbeing challenges, and/or sustainably solve the health issues of today.

4. Does your idea not fit into other categories, but still provides a platform for combating climate change or making progress to a more sustainable future? 

We are looking for any business ideas that contribute to taking climate action or that seek to address one or more of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

DEADLINE: 7th April 2023


By submitting your application, you consent for your information to be shared with the Edinburgh Earth Initiative. 

Please keep to the word limits and do not provide external supporting evidence such as links.

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